Fidelity offers customers a variety of convenient bill-pay options!
Online: Use Fidelity Communications Online Bill Pay to set up autopay or to make a one-time payment. Go to You will need information from your billing statement to setup autopay or to make a payment. For questions about how to setup autopay or make a one-time payment, please contact an associate at 1-800-392-8070.
Pay By Phone: Pay using our automated phone system 24 hours a day at 1-800-392-8070.
By Mail: Send payment through the mail by check, including payment stub, to the address listed on bill statement: Fidelity Communications, P.O. Box 9001118, Louisville, KY 40290-1118. If your check is returned for any reason, a service charge of $25 will be on your next statement.
In Person: Fidelity customers can pay their bill in person at third-party payment sites located inside Walmart stores in the communities we serve.
Additional charges may apply for certain payment options. Learn more at